Traditional food products, no one in Europe has many as Italy

Campania, Tuscany, Lazio, Emilia Romagna and Lazio are the regions that have more
They rose to 4,965 traditional food products (Pat) that make Italy a leader in Europe in this field.
prodotti tipici
It was published, in fact, in the Official Gazette the sixteenth national Pat revision of the list of regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano. The “traditional food products” must have methods of processing, storage and aging very well established over time. More specifically, they must be practiced in the reference area evenly according to traditional rules and prolonged, however, for a period not less than 25 years. They are the most concrete evidence of national and regional agricultural and food tradition.

The Italian agricultural heritage this year is enriched with 84 new products, while continuing to grow and demonstrating the viability of an industry capable to combine tradition and innovation.
A unique heritage of history, value, territories.

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